Postcode Area 5732 - Street Directory
List of streets in Postcode Area 5732
- Acacia RidgepathAlku ViewresidentialArkaroola RoadsecondaryAwi Urta Vambata Roadresidential
Balcanoona RoadunclassifiedBararranna Walking TrailpathBrowne StreetresidentialBunyip Chasm Hiking TrailpathC
Copley Arkaroola RoadunclassifiedE
East TerraceresidentialF
Fort StreetresidentialG
Gammon Ranges RoadsecondaryGibber Plain to Wildflower CreekpathGriselda Hill Climbing TrackpathI
Italowie Gap Hiking TrailpathL
Lake TrackunclassifiedM
Mawson Valley Walking TrailpathMinera RoadunclassifiedMithi Vambata StreetresidentialMount Chambers TrailfootwayMount Hopeless RoadsecondaryMt. Chambers GorgepathMulga View RoadunclassifiedN
Nantawarrina RoadunclassifiedNorth Flinders RoadsecondaryO
Old Ghan (NG)pathOppaminda - Nuldamutana Trail (part)pathP
Price StreetresidentialR
Railway Terrace WestresidentialS
South TerraceresidentialSpriggina Walking TrailpathT
Talc Mine RoadunclassifiedTea Tree RoadsecondaryTerrapinna Tors trailpathTerrapinna Tors trail (detour to Gauging Station)pathTrack to (defunct) flow-gauging stationserviceU
Uranyi DriveresidentialV
Vadhaleena DriveresidentialW
Wayanha CourtresidentialWeetootla Network - Balcanoona CreekpathWeetootla Network - BHP Magnesite Mine looppathWeetootla Network - Monarch Mine looppathWertaloona RoadunclassifiedWest TerraceresidentialWildflower Creek to Mt John RobertspathWilliam StreetresidentialWooltana Cave TrackpathY
Yadandhanha Circuitresidential